Can You Hear Me Now?


In this photo, a politician, who has just been reelected, is being interviewed by many local news stations.  His supporters cheer and shout for the successful candidate!  All is well at the campaign headquarters! But what many of those people may not know is the physics that are happening right in front of their faces.

Even though his supporters are screaming, the candidate can still be heard by the news anchor.  The reason why? It’s because the candidate can talk louder or increase his volume.  By increasing his volume, the sound waves have a greater amplitude.  This allows the anchor to pick up what the candidate is saying, despite the loud crowd behind him.

Also, the concept of light waves are being used here.  The bright light from the camera gives a better shot for the audiences at home because it creates a more illuminated picture.  There are more colors to be picked up by the human eye because of the light.

Physics is all around us, even in elections.